Peyton Marshall and George O'Connell have been awarded 2022 Literature Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Marshall for creative writing, and O'Connell for translation.

The NEA Literature Fellowships program offers $25,000 grants in prose and poetry to published creative writers that enable the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement.
The Literature Fellowships program operates on a two-year cycle with fellowships in prose and poetry available in alternating years.
Peyton Marshall (MFA, 2002) is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and a recipient of the Richard Yates Award for Short Fiction. Her first novel, Goodhouse, came out from Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 2014. Goodhouse was a finalist for the International Association of Crime Writers’ 2014 Dashiell Hammett Prize. Marshall’s writing has appeared in the New York Times, Tin House, A Public Space, Blackbird, and Best New American Voices.
American poet, translator, and editor George O’Connell (MFA, 1974) has taught creative writing and literature in the U.S., China, and Taiwan. He served as Fulbright Professor at Peking University and Fulbright Senior Scholar at National Taiwan University. In addition to numerous U.S. honors for his poetry, including the Pablo Neruda Prize, he has received two National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships in Translation as well as Hong Kong Arts Development Council awards. He and Diana Shi codirect Pangolin House, an international journal of Chinese and English-language poetry and art. Their 2017 U.S. release of Darkening Mirror: New & Selected Poems by Wang Jiaxin, shortlisted for the American Literary Translators Association Lucien Stryk Award, was followed by Crossing the Harbour, a bilingual anthology of ten contemporary Hong Kong Chinese-language poets. Passages, a bilingual anthology of 13 contemporary Taiwan poets, and the focus of their NTU creative writing translation workshop, will appear in spring 2022 from Bookman Books.