Events Archive

Current Semester

Live from Prairie Lights | Jorrell Watkins & Romeo Oriogun promotional image

Live from Prairie Lights | Jorrell Watkins & Romeo Oriogun

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 7:00pm
Prairie Lights Books
Writers' Workshop alumni Jorrell Watkins and Romeo Oriogun will read from their poetry. Jorrell Watkins will read from Play/House, published by Northwestern University Press. “The ideas of 'play' and 'house' are interwoven gradually in Jorrell Watkins’ debut collection, with the changing light stretching and bending the shadows of masculinity, familial intimacy, and societal violences. Through his intense play with the vernacular and syntax of blk English, Watkins defamiliarizes urban Southern...
Write at the Stanley: A Generative Writing Workshop promotional image

Write at the Stanley: A Generative Writing Workshop

Sunday, April 28, 2024 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Stanley Museum of Art
Join us monthly to generate new creative writing inspired by works in the Stanley collection. Each session will be led by a different talented writer from our area, who will be offering a new prompt and a new approach to ekphrastic writing (writing inspired by visual art). Bring your own notebook and pencil or computer and leave with the beginning of a newly written piece. Co-sponsored by Iowa City Poetry. Teen and adult writers in all genres are welcome. Write at the Stanley meets every fourth...
Jane Smiley at the Iowa City Public Library in conversation with IPR's Charity Nebbe promotional image

Jane Smiley at the Iowa City Public Library in conversation with IPR's Charity Nebbe

Sunday, April 28, 2024 2:00pm
Iowa City Public Library
Please join us at the Iowa City Public Library for a special afternoon event with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley, who will read from her new novel, Lucky. She will be joined in conversation by Iowa Public Radio's Charity Nebbe. Lucky is a soaring, soulful novel about a folk musician who rises to fame across our changing times. "Before Jodie Rattler became a star, she was a girl growing up in St. Louis. One day in 1955, when she was just 6 years old, her Uncle Drew took her to the...
Live from Prairie Lights | Margaret Yapp & Katie Berta- poetry promotional image

Live from Prairie Lights | Margaret Yapp & Katie Berta- poetry

Friday, April 26, 2024 7:00pm
Prairie Lights Books
Iowa Writers’ Workshop alum, Margaret Yapp will read from Green for Luck: Poems. Katie Berta will read from Retribution Forthcoming: Poems (Hollis Summers Poetry Prize winner). To subscribe to a weekly emailing list of Writers' Workshop events, please fill in the linked form or email with “Events Mailing List Subscribe” in the subject line.