Events Archive

Current Semester

Brandon Alexander Williams: The Poetics of Hip-Hop promotional image

Brandon Alexander Williams: The Poetics of Hip-Hop

Friday, November 30, 2018 6:00pm
Glenn Schaeffer Library
Grant Wood fellow, Mother-loving genius, cunning linguist, Brandon Alexander Williams will do a lyrical analysis on the art of rapping and performance poetry. He will be giving a two-hour workshop on rapping and performance poetry at the Writers’ Workshop this Friday, November 30. -Free food. (first come, first served.) -Bring notebook and pens. -No prior hip-hop experience is required to attend. -This is for writers, poets, rappers and anyone interested in writing rap or poetry. 
Adam Haslett and Jess Walter promotional image

Adam Haslett and Jess Walter

Thursday, November 29, 2018 8:00pm
Glenn Schaeffer Library
Please join Adam Haslett and Jess Walter for a reading in the Frank Conroy Reading Room at 8pm on Thursday, November 29. A National Book Award finalist and winner of the Edgar Allan Poe Award, Jess Walter is the author of six novels, one book of short stories and one nonfiction book. His work has been translated into 32 languages, and his essays, short fiction, criticism and journalism have been widely published, including appearances in Best American Short Stories, Best American Nonrequired...
Prairie Lights Presents: Alexander McCall Smith promotional image

Prairie Lights Presents: Alexander McCall Smith

Monday, November 12, 2018 7:00pm
First United Methodist Church
Prairie Lights Presents Alexander McCall Smith at the First United Methodist Church, 214 E. Jefferson St, Iowa City. To obtain a ticket to the event, purchase a copy of the McCall's new book, The Colors of All the Cattle ($25.95) in person or by phone from Prairie Lights Bookstore (tickets not available online).  CALL PRAIRIE LIGHTS (319) 337-2681 or visit Prairie Lights at 15 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City. Please join us for the evening to enjoy the genuine warmth, eloquence, and wit of one of...
Zachary Lazar and Layli Long Soldier promotional image

Zachary Lazar and Layli Long Soldier

Thursday, November 1, 2018 8:00pm
Glenn Schaeffer Library
Zachary Lazar and Layli Long Soldier will read from their work at 8 pm on Thursday,  November 1st in the Frank Conroy Reading Room. The author of four novels and a memoir, Zachary Lazar’s work creates nuanced, complex fictions out of real world events. Of Lazar’s latest novel Kiese Limon writes: “More than any book I’ve read in the twenty-first century, Zachary Lazar’s Vengeance makes the reader reckon with the questions of what’s real, what’s imagined, and why those questions matter more in...