Our first event in our Friday Iowa City Public Library series for Spring 2022!
Join International Writing Program (IWP) writers-in-residence and members of the public in person (Iowa City Public Library, Meeting Room A) or online (livestreamed at https://bit.ly/springrespanel) for a panel discussion of "The Specter of Professionalization."
In contrast to traditionally self-directed pathways into literary creativity— “the call of the Muse” -–today’s literary producers are ever more like athletes: trained, practicing, coached, competing, hoping to win… How have you approached the specter of professionalization in your own writing?
Current IWP 2022 Spring Residents on the panel:
Luíza FAZIO (screenwriting, fiction; Brazil)
Yasser ABDELHAFEZ (novelist, journalist, editor; Egypt)
Jidanun LEE (fiction writer; Thailand)
More about them here: https://iwp.uiowa.edu/residency/participants
Event is free & all are invited!
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please call the IWP in advance at (319) 335-0128.