Iowa City Book Festival: Julie Hanson and Mark Rahe

Iowa City Book Festival: Julie Hanson and Mark Rahe promotional image

Poets Julie Hanson and Mark Rahe will read from their latest books The Audible and the Evident and GRAVITY WELL at the Iowa City Public Library. 

Marc Rahe received an M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His poems have appeared in GutcultiO: A Journal of New American PoetryjubilatnotnostrumsPainted Bride QuarterlyPetri PressSixth Finch, and other literary journals. Marc lives in Iowa City and works for a human service agency.

Julie Hanson is the author of Unbeknownst, an Iowa Poetry Prize winner and 2012 Kate Tufts Discovery Award finalist, and The Audible and the Evident (Ohio University Press, February 2020), selected by Maggie Smith for the Hollis Summers Poetry Prize. Her work has earned fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Vermont Studio Center, as well as publication in New Ohio ReviewVOLTPlumeCopper Nickel, and other journals. She holds an MA in expository writing from the University of Iowa and an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 7:00pm
Iowa City Public Library
123 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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