Renowned author Yaa Gyasi, whose novel Homegoing won the National Book Critics Circle’s John Leonard Award for best first book and the Pen/Hemingway Award among others, will be our guest for “The Ghanaian-American Experience in Literature and Art” on the first WorldCanvass of 2021. Joining her will be fellow author and graduate of the UI Writers’ Workshop D.K. Nnuro and Associate Provost and Dean of International Programs Russ Ganim. Nnuro will engage with Gyasi writer-to-writer in a special interview segment introduced by Ganim.
The one-hour program, hosted by Joan Kjaer, begins at 7 p.m. on February 24. WorldCanvass is free and open to all.
Please register here: http://bit.ly/WCFeb24Register
To see more information about the program and speakers, please visit http://bit.ly/WCFeb24
Following the live event, the video recording of WorldCanvass will be available on the International Programs website and on YouTube. In addition, audio podcasts of all WorldCanvass programs can be found on iTunes and the Public Radio Exchange (PRX). WorldCanvass is produced by University of Iowa International Programs.