Prairie Lights Books | IWP Sunday Afternoon Reading Series: Yu Yoyo, Felipe Franco Munhoz, & Car Simione

Join us for the International Writing Program's Prairie Lights Reading Series this Sunday to hear readings by two 2024 Fall Residency writers and one Iowa Writers' Workshop MFA student.

Yu Yoyo (poet, fiction writer; PRC) is the author of the poetry collections [Seven Years] (2012), [Me as Bait] (2016), [Wind Can’t] (2019), [Against Body] (2019), and [A Cat Is a Cloud] (2021). The Poetry Translation Centre published her first English poetry collection, My Tenantless Body, in 2019, with translations by Dave Haysom and A. K. Blakemore. Yu’s debut novel, Invisible Kitties, was published in English by HarperCollins in October 2024. She was a fellow of the Vermont Studio Center in 2017. Her poems have been translated into Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Swedish. Her participation is made possible by a gift from the Ramon and Victoria Lim Fund.

Felipe Franco Munhoz (fiction writer, poet, playwright, translator; Brazil) is the author of Dissoluções [Dissolutions] (2024), [Lanterns to Nirvana] (2022), Identidades [Identities] (2018), and Mentiras [Lies] (2016). He has translated works by Ivan Turgenev, Samuil Marshak, and Alexander Pushkin. He is the recipient of a Santa Maddalena Foundation fellowship and residencies with Art Omi, Sangam House, and the Festival Artes Vertentes. His participation was made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Car Simione is a writer and linguist from Minneapolis whose poetry has been published in SILO, Four Way Review, and elsewhere. He is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

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Sunday, October 27, 2024 7:00pm
Prairie Lights Books
15 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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