Writers' Workshop graduate Toby Altman and Tyger Quarterly founder and editor S. Yarberry will read from their poetry.
Toby Altman will read from Discipline Park (Wendy's Subway). "Discipline Park embraces the pillars and steel of the institutional structures meant not only to house us at our most vulnerable moments but also to serve as facilities to research and study us. It is a fascinating subject when handled so skillfully and with such profound understanding of how we are shaped by the places built to administer care when we are most vulnerable."—DA Powell
Toby Altman is the author of Arcadia, Indiana (Plays Inverse). He has received fellowships from the Graham Foundation, MacDowell, and the NEA. His work can be found in Contemporary Literature, English Literary History, Gulf Coast, jacket2, jubilat, and Lana Turner. He is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Beloit College.
S. Yarberry will read from A Boy in the City (Deep Vellum). "In these poems, where gender, desire, love, and the struggle to say what can’t be said converge, this inquiry offers us a seductive new mind at work. 'I can become anything,' this collection proclaims. 'I did.' And Yarberry’s gift to us is that we can become anything, too." —Paul Tran
S. Yarberry is a trans poet and writer. Their poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in AGNI, Guernica, Tin House, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, jubilat, and The Boiler. They earned an MFA in Poetry from Washington University and are now a PhD candidate in literature at Northwestern University where they study William Blake.
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