Live from Prairie Lights | Robyn Schiff

Live from Prairie Lights | Robyn Schiff promotional image

Join Robyn Schiff as she reads from her newest release Information Desk, a book-length poem set in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The New York Review of Books calls Information Desk “An effluvial rush of memory, desire, data, and metaphor . . . It’s bracing to encounter a mind so voracious, so unapologetic in its intelligence.” 

Robyn Schiff is the author of four poetry collections, WorthRevolverA Woman of Property, which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and most recently Information Desk: An Epic. The recipient of the 2023 Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize, she is a Professor at the University of Chicago, and co-edits Canarium Books. 

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Thursday, October 26, 2023 7:00pm
Prairie Lights Books
15 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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